Friday, December 23, 2011

TextWrangler Saved Pattern Reordering

TextWrangler has the ability to save your search-and-replace regular expressions.

You can usually find this by opening the Find/Search dialog (Command-F) and notice the 'g' dropdown on the right:

As of TextWrangler 3.5.3 (2890), there is no method for reordering these saved search patterns.

I have found that I want my most-recently added patterns near the top, since I intend on using them most frequently.  In order to do this, you need to open an XML file which contains these values:

$HOME/Library/Preferences/com.barebones.textwrangler.PreferenceData/Grep Patterns.xml

Here, you'll find an array of <dict> entries. For example, I have:

  <string>(?&lt;![ \t\r])[ \t]+$</string>
  <string>Trailing Spaces</string>
<string>\1 \(</string>
<string>Space if|for|while|switch</string>

To rearrange them in TextWrangler, simply rearrange the entire <dict>...</dict> sections as you prefer and save!

Update 2012-02-09:

If you have access to a plist editor (free with Apple's Xcode or other alternatives online), this XML plist format can be rearranged with those tools a little safer. Find one that accepts simple drag-and-drop and you're set!

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